Refugee Resettlement
Our program provides case management services, employment services and language/orientation services to help refugees adjust to life in the United States and to become economically and emotionally self-sufficient. We help newly arrived refugees from all over the world begin a new life here in Erie.
Refugee Support Services
A refugee is any individual who has fled their country of origin and meets the criteria for what the United Nations describes as "a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion".
A resettlement agency is a non-profit organization that cooperates with the United States government in a public-private partnership to assist refugees. CCCAS delivers services to our new neighbors to help them start their new life in the United States. Our Refugee Resettlement Program serves as a local resettlement agency for United States Council of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

Reception & Placement
Our long-term program provides ongoing services to refugees for up to five years. Our CCCAS staff members, most of whom are former refugees themselves, provide compassion and understanding to people who are happy to be here but concerned about starting over in a new place. Our program provides case management services, employment services and language/orientation services to help refugees adjust to life in the US and become economically and emotionally self-sufficient.
Special Programs
As crises occur around the world, we continue to provide special services to affected populations. We keep abreast of needed program changes based on global events.
We have many opportunities to volunteer across our Refugee Resettlement services. Please connect directly through our Volunteer Page:
What We Offer
- Legal Services
- ELS Classes (English Second Language)
- Airport Reception/Hot Meal
- Housing (including initial apartment supplies & furniture)
- Initial financial assistance
- Orientation classes (cultural & to Erie)
- Case Management services
- Interpretation/translation assistance
- Employment assistance
- Initial medical appointment assistance
- Referrals to other social service agencies